Thursday, June 21, 2018

Gossip (Synopsis, Insight, & Abstract)

I added some information to Gossip (  This information will help you understand the series.

I added:

Some Insight to the Collection -

A Synopsis of the Collection -

An Abstract for the Collection -

Rumors (Synopsis, Insight, & Abstract)

I added some information to Rumors.  This information will help you understand the collection.

It can be viewed here.

I added some insight to the collection, a synopsis of the collection, and an abstract for the collection.

Abstract for The Idle Talk Series

The Idle Talk Series is about negative speech and the negative actions that are associated with that speech.

The series begins with Gossip.  It is about five friends who gossip whenever they get together to hang out.  It looks at all the gossip they share, where the gossip comes from, how the gossip affects others, and what happens when one person wants to stop gossiping.  Each following story in the series is discussed in some way in Gossip, whether the gossip is directly mentioned or a person from a future story is mentioned.


Five friends get together to fellowship, but often ends up gossiping.  Things are going fine until one of them becomes overwhelmed with conviction about gossiping.  When she tries to stop gossiping, she meets resistance.  The group will be divided into two groups, one that feels gossiping is wrong, and the one that feels “sharing” information is not wrong.  Will the circle of friends remain intact?

Tammy Andrews knows gossiping is wrong, but she cannot seem to stop doing it until she gets convicted after hearing a sermon about it.  She tries to share with her friends the evils of gossiping but meets with resistance.  It becomes her mission to get her five friends to stop gossiping, but she meets resistance.  Will she succeed, or will she be isolated from the group forever, and eventually become the subject of the remaining women’s gossip?

The second collection in the series is Rumors.  It is about a pastor and a gospel singer.  It looks at the rumor, how it got started, who spread the rumor, the truth, and the fallout from the rumor being spread.


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A collection of short stories that examine how rumors in the church affect people.  A rumor is being spread about a prominent pastor and a popular Gospel singer.  One member of the church goes the extra mile to find out if the rumor is true or not.  But, the pastor’s spouse, doesn’t do the same thing.  On the same day that the pastor decides to address the rumor, the distress and pain of the situation is too much for the pastor’s spouse, and a tragedy occurs.

This heartbreaking story will have you examining how rumors affect your own life.

The next collection in the series is Accusation.  It is about a young man and a pastor’s wife who had an affair.  It looks at how a lie can become the “truth” depending on who says it, how a false accusation can ruin a person’s life, and the fallout from the accusation.


A collection of short stories that examine how a false accusation can ruin a person’s life.  A pastor’s wife has an affair with a young man, and when it is uncovered, she lies to her husband about the circumstances of the affair.  The young man is thrust into a tumultuous situation that could end tragically if the woman doesn’t tell the truth.

The next collection in the series is Scandal.  It is about a lady who knows everybody’s business and isn’t afraid to tell it.  She is holding a grudge against an ex and decides to spread some gossip about him, viciously leading to a scandal involving the man and an 18-year-old young lady.


A collection of short stories that examine how some gossip leads to a scandal involving a gospel singer, his manager, and his manager’s daughter.  the gospel singer’s ex is viciously spreading the gossip about him because she is a spurned love interest and is intent on getting back at him for dumping her.  She doesn’t care if what she says is true or not, she’s just hell bent on destroying her ex.  What kind of damage will this scandal do the singer?

The next collection in the series is Betrayal.  It is about a Women’s Ministry leader who is ministering to a lady at her church.  She shares something personal with the lady, and the lady “shares” the information with another lady from the church.  Before long, the gossip is spread all over the church, leaving the Women’s Ministry Leader feeling betrayed.


A collection of short stories that examine how betrayal can leave a person broken down and despondent.  A Women’s Ministry leader share some very personal information with a lady at the church who is seeking counseling from her.  the lady “shares” the information with another lady from the church.  The information gets “shared” until the whole church knows the information.  The Women’s Ministry leader is left betrayed, and the resulting fallout could cause her to be asked to resign her position and leave the church.

The next collection in the series is Forgiven.  It is about a pastor who gets embroiled in gossip.  Before long, he and his church are involved in a lawsuit that causes him to lose everything he has, including the church.  He is ostracized from the church community and must find his way back to God through repentance, forgiveness, and redemption.


A collection of short stories that examines being forgiven for sin.  A pastor gets entangled in gossip.  The person he gossips about directly blames him and sues him and the church he pastors.  He loses everything, including the church.  He begins a journey that will lead to repentance, forgiveness, restoration, and a call to preach on the impact of “tongue sins.”  He hopes his trial will help others before they destroy lives.

The next collection in the series is Backbiting.  It is about one of the ladies from Gossip.  She was excluded from the group of friends because she refuses to change.  She is determined to destroy the person from the group that she feels is responsible for her being an outsider, despite the validity of what she says about any of her ex-friends.


A collection of short stories that examines backbiting.  One of the friends from Gossip is back and she’s spreading rumors about her former friends, especially the one she holds responsible for her being kicked out of the group.  She is gossiping about any thing she can think on the ladies.  Half of what she says has some truth to it, and the other half is false.  But, she doesn’t care.  She’s bent on destroying the friends who left her behind.  Will she destroy herself in the process?

The last collection in the series is Restoration.  It visits the gossip from the first collection in the series, Gossip.  It looks at the outcome of the gossip that began the series.  A young lady tells a lie, causing a man to massively harmed, losing everything he had going for him.  The young lady tells the truth in the hopes that restoration can begin.


A collection of short stories that examines telling the truth and making amends for past mistakes.  A young lady finally tells the truth after the man she lies on suffers immense adversities.  She seeks the man’s forgiveness and tries to make amends for her mistake, hoping that restoration can begin.  Will the man forgive her and begin the restoration process?

Synopsis – The Idle Talk Series

The Idle Talk Series is a collection of short stories that look at negative speech and actions that the characters participate in that cover gossip, rumors, accusations, backbiting, scandal, betrayal, forgiveness, and restoration.

The Idle Talk Series is a collection of short stories that follows various characters and looks at their negative speech and actions.  Each collection examines a different word and highlights how the word effects people in their lives.  The series begins with gossip and ends with restoration, covering rumors, accusations, backbiting, scandal, betrayal, forgiveness, and restoration in between.  The Idle Talk Series brings like to speech and actions that most people participate in, often without thinking of the consequences.  This series seeks to challenge people, specifically Christians, to think about how they speak and act.

Insight to The Idle Talk Series

The Idle Talk Series is a series of collections of short stories.  Each collection of short stories discusses a word related to negative speech or actions.  The collections are designed to take readers through a progression of each word, from inception of the speech or action to the consequences of the speech or action.

This series covers four areas of negative speech and four aspects of Christian living.  The collection takes special care to not only focus on the negative, but to show how forgiveness and restoration can occur in the life of a Christian.  The words (collections) are gossip, rumors, accusations, scandal, betrayal, forgiven, backbiting, and restoration.  Each collection contains short stories of at least 3,000 words that looks at either a person or an event that is related the word.  The Gossip collection is the first collection in the series.  It varies slightly from the other collections because it explores all the people or events that are involved in the other collections.  It is also the largest collection in the series because it involves five women, as well as the other characters who will be discussed in the series.  Each book ends with a horrible outcome that is directly related to the results of the negative word or gossip.  Only one of the stories in this collection will end with a positive result, which usually happens in real life.

The readers should read each collection and see where they are in relation to the word discussed in the book.  They should ponder how their speech or actions are each day.  If they see these words in their lives, then they should see the stories as a call to action to make a change int heir life.  They should see the power of negative speech and negative actions on people, specifically when it is a Christian who is perpetrating the negativity.  They should also see the power of forgiveness and restoration.  Readers should see that negative behavior can be changed with recognition of the behavior, actions to correct the behavior, and follow through.

Readers can learn the power of words.  The major takeaway from this series is that the words we say have power and that our actions have consequences.  While the consequences of the words and actions in these collections are extreme, they show that “sin” influences us, whether it is large or small.  Scriptures are given throughout each collection to reinforce the Christians knowledge of what the Bible says about the power of the tongue and negative speech.  These collections are all based in the lives of Christians, so the collections are geared towards Christians, but anyone who reads these collections will be blessed and see the power of the words they say.